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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Team Bring It On: It's Already Been Broughten

Hi Everyone!  I'm so excited about The Challenge this year, and I'm pretty excited about my team.  Here's the thing.  I've only seen one season of The Challenge.  Rivals II.  And, I've really only seen 3 seasons of The Real World: DC, New Orleans, and Portland.  So, I feel like I'm about to learn some lessons the hard way.  

First Pick: Jordan

Picking first in the draft was a lot of pressure.  I obviously bypassed some big names: Zach, CT, Johnny Bananas, Cara Maria.  But I went with my gut on this one.  Jordan really impressed me last season.  He is hypercompetitive, has a positive attitude, and really (REALLY) likes making out.  He's also annoying enough that he will probably get into fights with both men and women.  I think this was a solid pick.  

Second Pick: Cohutta

The thing about picking first is, your next pick is 12th.  At this point, all the people I know and love were picked already.  I have no idea who Cohutta is, but I'm pretty sure he will win it all (so much money that it will Change His Life.  Forever.)

Third Pick: Nia

Nia is definitely a psychopath (I just finished reading The Sociopath Next Door which is a great book that helps you identify psychopaths in your every day life.  Check it out!)  Nia is a manipulative liar who seemed ready to kill Johnny or Jordan or Avery on RW Portland.  I was shocked that she didn't get kicked off the show.  But, when she's not physically assaulting her castmates, she is lazy as hell.  So I don't know.  Physical fights are worth points, but manipulating situations so that other people get into fights is not worth points.  She did seem to be in at least a few different challenges according to the preview, and her official MTV bio says she's "matured and mellowed."  We shall see.

Last Pick: Aneesa

The O-est G.  The fact that she was available after 23 rounds makes me think that you all know something that I don't.  She just missed the final last season, so why didn't one of you scoop her up?  I felt like I needed two men and two women, and the only other option was LaToya.  LaToya's bio did not give me confidence that she would be around past the first challenge.  Make me proud, Aneesa!

The One That Got Away: Zach

Zach is a great big teddy bear with anger issues, who will crush anyone who gets in his way and then cry about it.  I bet he gives really good hugs.

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