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Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 1 Scores

George: +9 (9)
Susan: +8 (8)
Yasmine: +8 (8)
Jon: +6 (6)
Kim: +6 (6)
Victor: +4 (4)

If George wanted to follow up her second place finish last year with a title this year, she's going to have to do it fighting uphill. The premiere saw three of her four players sent to elimination and even though she scored major points, that glory will be short lived as half her team has been eliminated already. Ouch.

In the meantime, the entire black team won a challenge point, but somehow Victor's team missed out on it all as he only owned red players. For Susan and Yasmine, both of them didn't accrue bonuses but did have all four of their players emerge victorious from the team competition. Also, can we just give Kim extra points for Theresa's one-on-one basketball performance? She should get +10 just for basically playing CT to a standstill! (For the record, the undrafted team of Latoya, Swift, Isaac, and Preston racked up +10 total this week.)

Detailed scoring: check the spreadsheet.
Challenge (+1): Black team of Johnny, Jasmine, Nany, CT, Jessica, Swift, Jordan, Aneesa, Cohutta, Preston, Nia, Leroy, Johnny Bananas, Laurel
Elimination (+1): Jemmye, Latoya, Chet, Frank
Survival (+1): Frank, Latoya
OUT (+0): Chet, Jemmye

Medical (+2): Chet, Latoya
Clue (+1): Devyn

Scoring Notes: Not a lot of action. All these single people and no make out scene? C'mon MTV! It was nice to see the return of the clue reader, as the show had been sporadic with that as last year wore on.

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