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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Standings: WK1-7

  • Susan (51)
  • Jon (49)
  • George (41)
  • Kim (39)
  • Victor (30)
  • Yasmine (30)

Wow, after that power play by the genius Kam, we should take a look at the standings right?! A few weeks ago it was Susan, Jon, and George up top, and here we are with the same threesome!

Susan has used the Kyle and Faith hookup to great effect, getting two hookup bonuses already! Her team of Kyle, Faith, and Marie will have to keep chugging because Tori just got sent to Redemption House — and Melissa was long gone. As for Jon, he’s nipping right at Susan’s heels (49 pts to 51 pts), off the hookup set of Nelson and Kayleigh, as well as the strong play of Zach.

Just a bit further behind them is George and Kim, at 41 and 39 points respectively. Despite having Kailah booted, CT in redemption, and Britni out, George has been riding Joss, Da’Vonne, and free agent pickup Angela to not bad results. Kim’s team is down to just three people too, but what a threesome! It’s Bananas, Amanda, and Killer Kam, and Kim should get extra-points for her huge mastermind move in EP07. If Veronica can somehow make it out of redemption, that could be a fourth member for Kim’s sleeper team.

Trailing every at 30 points apiece are our traditional contenders, Victor and Yasmine. Victor’s team is decimated, with only Cara Maria and Oscar-nominated Sylvia, while Yasmine has Shane and Tony not doing much of anything, with only Brad’s bug eyes racking up points for her. However, the showing up of mercenary Ashley could change things for the LeBron of our MTV Fantasy, and Yasmine could soon find herself up to four players!

Best Players So Far, all tied with 15 pts:
  • Joss (George)
  • Kayleigh (Jon)
  • Amanda (Kim)
  • Kyle (Susan)
  • Faith (Susan)

Bonus Feature:
Susan's breakdown of Kam's power play: "No one wants to vote with Kam because since Kam’s vote counts double, if you end up being the only team that votes with Kam, you are definitely going in (unless all the teams collude to outvote Kam and send in another team, which is never going to happen because they don’t trust each other and therefore can’t collude.

No one wants to vote for the team that is actually going in because then they’re exposed to also going in, which is why they keep burning their votes. The two rookie teams are better off voting for each other than either of the teams Kam called out because they are both more likely to win against the other rookie team.

Kam is lucky that everyone realized that their best strategy was to team up to burn their votes, and that they believed Kam would actually vote for Kyle/Brad and Joss/Sylvia. I think it’s a really smart plan, but it would have been better to wait until later in the game to pit better teams against each other (of course that assumes Kam would have the power again). But, excellent application of game theory over all!

...For sure the other players should have thought harder about why Kam would announce two teams. It will be interesting to see if anyone tries to pull this in the future. It won’t work exactly the same way again, but if maybe if the power player assumes everyone will believe they are lying, they can still get an advantage."

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