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Scores: Week 10

George: +7 (81)
Victor: +7 (78)
HT: +2 (68)
Yasmine: +4 (66)
Kim: +2 (61)
Jon: +0 (48)

It's officially a two horse race as it's down to just George and Victor. In George's corner she has CT, who has been well worth his #1 overall draft pick this year. The problem is that Victor has Emily, who has four players left, and now Cara Maria and Cooke are both guaranteed finals points. This race is going to be tight...

As for our losing contestants, nothing too exciting as they jostle for third through fifth place.  Yasmine still has Wes, Marlon, and Aneesa so it's conceivable she could leap above HT soon. At this point, everyone has two or more players in the finals, so it's going to be +10 all around, at least.

Detailed scoring: check the spreadsheet.
Win Weekly Challenge: Cara Maria, Cooke
Sent to Elimination: Diem, Aneesa, Jemmye, Camila
Win Elimination: none
Eliminated Contestants: none

Read the Clue: Aneesa
Crying: Diem
Scoring Notes: Nothing tough here, just a read the clue and then a bit of crying from Diem, which was obviously gonna happen when she got tossed in.

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