(Draft Results)
Round 1
George starts things off and goes with a surefire winner, Evelyn. The strongest girl and pretty much a lock to finish in the top three. The only thing that can derail E.V.E. is an emotional meltdown. Victor follows up by taking his personal hero, Wes, master instigator, fierce competitor, all around asshole -- and clearly a man who knows his way around the ladies. His best quote from episode one (paraphrased): "[Cahutta's] forty pounds lighter than me and I'm dating his ex-girlfriend, I'm not going to take him into the Ruins." What a nice guy that Wes is.
HT takes powerhouse Evan, who was the logical pick here. Evan is the leader of the douchebag alliance and somehow manages to be endearing and annoying at the same time. Yasmine takes Evan's bromance partner, Kenny, who will go far playing Robin to Evan/Johnny's Batman.
There are only a handful of multiple winners on the Champions side. They are: Kenny, Derrick, and Evelyn with two apiece. Darrell and Veronica have both won three championships. When in doubt, pick a champion. Jon nabs Derrick with the first of his two wraparound picks.
Round 2
After seeing Brad lose on Inferno 2, Jon has a soft spot for the RW: San Diegan and drafts him at the top of the second. Without fiance and emotional (un)support Tori, can Brad finally win it all?
Yasmine smartly tabs Darrell, who has been a winner in every challenge he's participated in. Nothing wrong with going with the undefeated guy. Of course, she probably didn't watch the season preview and notice that Darrell is about to slug someone on the ground. Did he connect? Does he get tossed? Hum...
With the exception of Evelyn, the entire first two rounds are dominated by guys. HT takes Johnny Bananas, Victor taps Dunbar, and George goes with Danny. The remaining men are deemed too weak, too vulnerable, or just not pumped up on steroids enough.Round 3
By taking Veronica with her third selection, George locks in the two strongest girl competitors. Veronica is a super veteran in all senses of the word and it looks like Team George will be estrogen driven. Victor decides that Wes will need his lady love as a teammate and tabs Kelly Anne (how does Wes get all these attractive girls to like him?). Smart move. Ann Darrow to Wes' King Kong.
While HT may be young, she proves she knows her MTV history by going with Susie, who has been around since forever and is often overlooked. Susie is athletic, she's spunky, and she's a good teammate. Yasmine selects Johanna, ruining Victor's chances of drafting the Wes/Johanna/Kelly Anne love triangle . I have no clue if Johanna is athletic or not, but she seems to have lots of pull behind the scenes.
Jon goes out on a limb and takes Kimberly (who he thought was Kelly from RW: New Orleans until research proved otherwise). She beat Ruthie once in a challenge, that's enough for me.
Round 4
Does anyone know if Ibis, Brianna, or Sarah are actually good? I sure didn't, and picked Ibis basely solely on the fact that she seemed not crazy and was attractive and I'd like to cheer for her. Why did Yasmine pick Brianna? Not sure. Any insight here? I can't imagine it's her occupation that endeared her to Team Yasmine. Sarah seems like a big talker but probably not a very good athelete, although looks can deceive. Love the arm sleeve though, I hope she sticks around.
Victor decides to go with Adam who has never won a challenge but yet thinks he's miscast on the Challengers side. During episode one he says, "Yeah, it's a little weird for Brad and I to be here, since we feel like we should be champions." Dude, when have you ever come close to winning before? But we like Adam because he wore a onesie while running away from CT last season.
Best pick of the fourth round? Maybe George's selection of Syrus. He's not drama, he's good at challenges, and which of the rookies really want to pick on a savvy veteran that outweighs them? Could be a steal.Round 5
HT suggested before the draft that we should pre-guess who would be the odd person out. With five teams and twenty six players, one player was going to be undrafted. I figured it would come down to Casey or Shauvon. Casey strikes me as tiny and unathletic, like a neutered version of Katie. Shauvon redefines the word "unathletic" and proves it by potentially popping an implant somewhere down the line. Somehow both of them ended up being picked, leaving Nick undrafted, who must be embarassed to have been left out. I mean, Cohutta the "midget" got picked (by HT). Nick is of decent shape, looks somewhat athletic, and is um, a non-midget. That must hurt.
Yasmine and George took challenge veterans Katie and Tanya respectively. Both are drama central, super feisty, and extremely volatile. Still, crazy never hurts in this sort of thing, does it?
Ruins II
Draft Recap
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Ride or Dies (2022)
Past Champions
- Spies, Lies, Allies: Sachi
- All Stars: Jon
- Double Agents: Roger
- TMadness: Jon
- WoftW2: Alliance Reality Bites
- War of the Worlds: Yasmine
- Final Reckoning: Yasmine
- Vendettas: Yasmine
- ChampsStars: George
- Dirty XXX: George
- ProsChamps: Kim
- Invasion: Yasmine
- Rivals III: Jon
- Bloodlines: Susan
- Exes 2: Yasmine
- Free Agents: Yasmine
- Rivals II: Victor
- Battle Seasons: HT
- Battle Exes: Victor
- Rivals: Yasmine
- Cutthroat: Yasmine
- Fresh Meat II: HT
- Ruins II: HT

SLA Scoring
- Victor (79)
- Susan (74)
- Roger (64)
- Yasmine (56)
- George (48)
- Sachi (1000)
- Kim (44)
- Jon (42)
"I don't wrestle, I beat bitches up!"
Spies, Lies, Allies (2021)
All-Stars (2021)
Double Agents (2021)
Total Madness (2020)
War Worlds 2 (2019)
War Worlds (2019)
Final Reckoning (2018)
Vendettas (2018)
Champs vs Stars (2017)
Dirty 30 (2017)
Champs vs Pros (2017)
Invasion (2017)
Rivals III (2016)
Bloodlines (2015)
Exes 2 (2015)
Free Agents (2014)
Rivals II (2013)
Battle Seasons (2012)
Battle of Exes (2012)
Rivals: Jungle (2011)
Cutthroat (2010)
Fresh Meat II (2010)
Ruins II (2009)
Fresh Meat II
Ruins II
Rivals II
Free Agents
Rivals III
War of the Worlds
Exes 2
Final Standings