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War of the Worlds: Rosters

A Fresh Meat-ish season after the Challenge "revamp" and we're lucky enough to add a fresh meat ourselves! Longtime MTV Real World watcher and fellow fantasy fanatic Roger joins us as we now grow to seven owners! It's gonna be a very exciting new season of the Challenge!

Note that we have two Liz's as Jon and Roger will both share her points, since there are only 34 contestants. That was deemed more preferable than leaving five contestants out to be "undrafted."

Susan: Wes, Amanda, Zach, Da’Vonne, Alan
Kim: Smashley, CT, Morgan, Josh, Zahida
Victor: Kyle, Jenna, Theo, Chase, Shaleen
Yasmine: Cara Maria, Ninja, Turbo, Ashley C, JP
George: Bananas, Paulie, Georgia, Natalie, Julia
Jon: Hunter, Nany, Gus, Mattie, Liz
Roger: Leroy, Kam, Dee, Bear, Liz

Undrafted: none

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