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Total Madness: Rules

Last year we had a lot of rule changes, and here was why. Aside from the lonely one use of the "TJ point," it worked out pretty well I think. See below for the new rules and scoring. Blue is scoring that changed.

  • Eight team owners will each select four players each, in a snake style draft.
  • For this year, since we have eight teams and twenty-eight contestants, we instituted new rules that the last round would be a double up round, allowing the last four remaining contestants to be drafted twice each -- in any order.

Scoring Rules
Keeping the same competition points as last year, minus Tribunal (+2) because in theory there is no more tribunals. But if they add in tribunals or redemptions, we'll add it in!
COMPETITION Points (awarded per episode)

  • Weekly (+1): Awarded for each episode a player stays on the show.
  • Challenge (+2): Awarded for winning weekly challenge. If team game, each individual on the winning team receives the points.
  • Tribunal (+1): Awarded to members of the tribunal, usually three people. (Note: Last year this was +2 points.)
  • Elimination (+4): Awarded for being tossed into an elimination challenge.
  • Survival (+4): Awarded for winning the elimination challenge.
BONUS Points (awarded once per episode max)

  • Crying (+2): A clear case of crying, has to include visible tears.
  • Kissing (+2): Awarded for romantic kisses and not for congratulatory pecks.
  • Sex (+4): Must be shown on-camera, or acknowledged by both parties, with no doubts.
  • Medical (+4): If a player needs treatment from an on-screen medical professional, or if they go to a hospital.
  • Puke (+4): Throwing up from drinking, exhaustion, food poisoning, etc. Has to be on-screen, and not just gagging from almost throwing up.
  • TJ Lavin (+4): There are two parts to this rule. Either (1) Making TJ verbally express his disappointment in your behavior or performance or (2) If TJ says “you killed it” to someone. This has to be said directly to an individual so if it’s just a general TJ being disappointed, that won’t score. TJ must say your name and express either disappointment or "you killed it" specifically.
  • Fight / Tirade (+6): For fights, it must be physical, with an intent to do harm. One-sided fights can be possible if there's clearly just one antagonizer. A tirade must be crazy-level, up to and including throwing or breaking things.
  • Booted (+6): Getting kicked off the show by producers, be it for physical altercation, safety reasons, injuries, etc. Also applies if the person quits the show.

Finals Points (awarded once at end of season)

  • Finals (+5): Awarded to everyone who makes the finals.
  • Winner (+10): Awarded to the overall winner or winners.
Majority wins on voting for questions about scoring. Broadly speaking, we like to lean toward more scoring, especially for drama. The more points the more fun!