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Power Puffs

Why are we talking about Wes when the real love-hate relationship here involves the douchebag trio of Kenny, Johnny, and Evan? Let's start with the latter. On Inferno 3, Evan was a mastermind but sort of affable and hard to dislike, even if he was a little annoying and overly talkative. Trio-ed up with Kenny and Johnny, he seems to have gone over to the Dark Side. These meanies are incredibly evil to Tanya. Who squirts a person with lotion as they're turned around? Or flips powder in their face while they're drunk? These are middle school antics and while they may be emotionally breaking Tanya down in the spirit of "the game," aren't they human at all? Plus, isn't Tanya a strong competitor and their teammate? It's just cruel what these boys did. On a side note: Kenny's caricatures are kind of good.

That brings us to Veronica. Was she right or wrong to antagonize Tanya to the point of physical violence? I think if someone is going to step in her face, she had every right to verbally fight back. She didn't have to back down, not one inch. And she didn't. Having said that, what do you think her "low blow" was that sent Tonya over the edge? Ten bucks says it has to be about Tonya's divorce right? I mean, what else could have been that low of a blow? What this episode has taught me is that I need to prepare a similar super low blow for each of my friends. Something I can pull out to instigate them to slap me, in case we're on a RR/RW Challenge. Hum, my brain will be churning tonight. And I love the way Veronica tried to punish Evan. "No cuddle time for you anymore!" Um, I think he rejected you baby. Nice try though.

I did have a big problem with the simpering way Evan tried to make it all better afterward the blow up. Suddenly he was Tanya's best friend and hugging her and saying how much they all loved and supported her. If I were Tanya, I'd divorce the whole cast, even if they were the only family I had left.

Here's what I wish: I wish that I had drafted Sarah. She's got cool hair, she's got an arm sleeve, she's part dolphin, she's got some attitude, and people seem to like her. Why did I take Kim over Sarah? Kim is totally boring and Sarah is so cool. Especially when she says (probably pre-scripted) lines like "I came here to do two things...kick ass and chew gum. And I'm all out of bubble gum." HT, can we trade?

I'd also like to see more drunken hook ups. This season is totally devoid of hook ups. I know all these people have been around the block a few times, many of them are now settled down, but there's just not enough bedroom action going on. I mean, I know the roster of single ladies is practically zero but shouldn't somebody be hooking up? I mean, Evan's a free agent now, let's go girls!


i amuse myself... said...

no trade. kim isn't a winner in my book. sorry.

evan might have been my first pick - but i can't imagine anyone still left on the show that would hook up with him.

Yasmine said...

Hey George, got any "low blow" level dirt on Jon that I can put in my pocket? Just in case...