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Love Pentagon

i've been a bit quiet on this site recently but what do you expect when my entire team except for two are eliminated by week four. couple that with some late nights at work and i'm all but mia in fantasy but fear not, after some nudging by a certain someone my guilt overtook me and i can't go down quietly so it's on to blogging we go. there isn't much to say really in the episode where tanya and danny get kicked off. a one two punch for me unfortunately but i can't say it's all that surprising i guess except that i wasn't expecting to lose two players at one time. i did find myself squirming in my seat a bit watching veronica have to grovel to evan with her tails between her legs (is that the expression?) and try to "play" the game the new way. seriously it's not even that fun to watch anymore because as everyone else has already mentioned, it's pretty much a kenny and evan show and it gets a little tiring but how awesome was it when ibis got thrown into the challenge and nobody could figure out what the fuck just happened. it was great!

but what i really want to talk about is the love pentagon between wes/johanna, wes/kelly anne, johanna/kenny and kelly anne/cohutta. while they were all short-lived flings outside of wes/johanna who dated for three years, bought a house together and was set to it just me or does it seem to be some type of sick torture test they're putting themselves through? i mean a year and a half is a long time after a breakup but wes is there with his new girlfriend (having sex right next door! as he puts it) but then to also have an ex-fling on all sides this is just too much. and i have a little bit of experience on this subject as some of my best friends now were ones that i dated for a pretty long time too and while we get along great now and see each other on a regular basis, there is no way in jiminy cricket you would catch me in this situation. hell to the no i say.

not only that but for kelly anne to have to witness these arguments between wes/johanna when there's clearly still some unresolved feelings there has just got to be painful. and seeing how sad johanna got when wes got kicked off made me for one second almost like her for a little bit. because it's the worst when you see someone you care about so much get defeated and you can't really do anything about it. it will be interesting to see now that wes is gone how johanna/kelly anne's interaction will be because there is no way in hell those two will ever be friends and while i think kelly anne has got crazy eyes and laughs like the wicked witch of the west at times, i still feel for her situation and i would love it if those two went into the ruins against each other. now THAT would make for awesome tv and would make my losing team all worth it.

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