
Once a Weiner, Always a Weiner

It's been awhile since the challenge ended, but I didn't really have time to compose my thoughts until now (you can thank my busy work season for that). And if you're looking for some lengthy dissection, you'll have to look elsewhere. This will be short and sweet.

The reason I won was because I went with looks above all else, hence my whole ratings post. Once my fellow fantasy leaguers submitted their ratings, I averaged the ratings for each team. My team was decidedly the most attractive.

Looks Ranking
1. Weiner
2. Hotheads
3. Eye Candy
4. Misfits
5. Victory
6. BOB

Challenge Ranking
1. Weiner
2. Eye Candy
3. Misfits
4. Hotheads
5. Victory
6. BOB

The Looks Ranking matched up with our Challenge ranking for 1st, 5th and 6th place. There were high hopes for team Hothead, but based on my own ratings, that team would have ranked much lower anyway. I'm not surprised that Jenn became the MVP. She has the highest looks rating in my book!

So, as I predicted, it all came down to looks. I am constantly scoping out winners in my every day life, so I have had lots of practice. Nowadays, my winner scoping is focused on the World Cup. Definitely a lot of winners out there! ;)