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Get Well Soon

Bill Simmons and Dave Jacoby (and their buddy House) are back with the results from their Cutthroat draft! I believe their first three picks were Johnny, Brad, and Abram. Listen in as they discuss the picks and go over their thoughts on the young season. One of their best points: The first challenge was called "the gas chamber" and then the elimination setting is "the gulag?" Concentration camps as reality shows?!

In some sad news, our dear friend TJ Lavin is in the hospital in a medically induced coma after crashing during a failed stunt. He's a tough guy so he'll likely be okay but this puts stuff like Sarah being all bent out of shape about her feet after the hanging challenge, into perspective.

The B.S. Report: 10/15
(direct mp3 link)
Bill Simmons, Joe House and reality czar Dave Jacoby discuss MTV's "The Challenge: Cutthroat" and send their best wishes to host T.J. Lavin.

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