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He choose...poorly

Wow what an episode...but as is, I'm much chagrined to see my championship hopes dimmed and dashed. I am now pretty much bystander. Oh well, so the ball bounces.

Actually what disturbs me the most was watching the next week's preview and witnessing my star player's malicious attack against Big Easy. I just felt bad, it was mean spirited. I don't really like Laurel at all anymore.

This has all made me recall the scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when the anatognist evil nazi guy(whose name escapes me) fails at picking out the holy grail...and faces the consequences.

Can I return my team and get a refund? This is what I get from picking out girls that I thought were pretty over substance...heh, a microcosm of my life.


Yasmine said...

This is uber creepy, but I just had a conversation with my coworker today about this scene because a doctor I just filmed looked like the "He chose poorly" knight. And then you posted this! How weird.

esca said...

Heh, it means we're on the same cosmic wavelength Yas.

I get that feeling too when I'm watching jeopardy and I'm shouting the answer at the tv. And my answer matches the contestant, but we're both wrong?? What the hell?

I leave this as "great minds think alike!" =)