George - Whatever: +3 (17)
Remaining Players:
Jenn +1 (5)
Tyler +1 (3)
Sarah +1 (3)
Eliminated Players:
Tyrie (6)
Yasmine - Put Your Shirt On: +6 (21)
Remaining Players:
Wes +1 (5)
Evelyn +2 (7)
Adam +2 (5)
Jonna +1 (4)
Jon - Missundaztood: +6 (15)
Remaining Players:
Laurel +3 (5)
Johnny +1 (3)
Nehemiah +1 (3)
Leroy +1 (4)
HT - The Recruits: +3 (14)
Remaining Players:
Evan +1 (3)
Mandi +1 (5)
Eliminated Players:
Camila +1 (3)
Adam (3)
Kim - The Engaged: +6 (18)
Remaining Players:
CT +2 (5)
Paula +2 (7)
Brandon +1 (3)
Eliminated Players:
Theresa +1 (3)
Victor - Kenny: +16 (25)
Remaining Players:
Kenny +1 (5)
CM +3 (5)
Ty +1 (5)
Jasmine +1 (10)
Random Thoughts:
Great great espiode. Great great world cup as well. Some of the best quarter final matches with a lot of nail biting drama. The shorties, or also known as the Japanese National Team, defeated the taller and heavily favored German ovas in 120 minutes of battle. I must say I love some of the german names though, like Garefrekes, Laudher, or Bresonik, and I'll be sad to seem them go. The USA-Brazil match was one for the ages, I don't have enough of a urban dictionary to do it any justice. EPIC. It is on replay again tonight on ESPN2, 9PT. Watch it, it will be the best 2 hrs of your life on a Sunday evening.
As for the Challenge, man, lots and lots of build up and drama. Here's some of my show highlights for the week:
a) Wes is starting get a bit too sleazy for my taste, but I will always be his unapolegetic champion until he eventually crosses the line and sleeps with an underage minor or something...he seems that type doesn't he of late? He's always trying to corrupt the rookies or play mind games with people now a days. I think he has a lot of personality and is clever, but pride can set one up for fall. In this episode, he attempts to test out CT and push his buttons. He hits the correct one and sends CT off on a slurred drunken stupor-like or combination of a Bawston drawl of aggressive and angry incoherency. I will smoke you! Do I look scared of you now??? You are trying to keep food off of my table??? Die Die Die! Hilarious. CT is like a younger version of Jose Canseco, minus the HRs and athletic ability and what not. Back in the day, Jose was all muscle and an intimidating presence, and would just say the most ridiculous things. At the time they were intimidating, but after all the roids wore off and the fat piled on...well as the say the rest is history.
b) Mandi ramps up her flirt game by talking about types of sex to CT. Mandi, the same girl that some how got "gamed" by bow-tie Mormon Chet of all people. Now she's hinting to CT that she wants him to just choke her, and tap that ass. I love this show. In other news, Wes appears to be jealous, possibly motivating him to eliminate CT.
c) The challenge placed the competitors in separate boxes filled with dirt, and a weight displaced gurney/pulley system that would raise up to an elevated platform. There, a bar attached to a zipline would take the competitors towards a water buoy as the finish. Not much else to say here, other than the challenge seems to be one of balance more than anything, the team that would have the best advatange would be the team that grabbed the bar. One thing interesting to note, is the Jonna/Jasmine competed against Theresa/Camila, and rather than dump the dirt into the water, they began to throw it at each other.
d) Laurel appears to be depressed. Or sulking. From past shows, Laurel appears to have trouble directly socializing with girls(she's an athletic-girl, vs the girly-girl), and I think places a lot of her own personal self-worth and self-esteem upon being a good competitor and winning. So far, her team has not done well, so she appears to be out of it emotionally. Paula is making waves and makes the first gambit of the game, and a big power play to eliminate Laurel by sending another strong team, Camila/Theresa into the Jungle to try to take them out. She calls in all her favors from the past, including from the Island-time with Kenny and Johnny. Does not work and Laurel/CM survive, but I am interested to see the counter move, if there is one.
e) This episode finally revealed some of the Alliances and groups, by showing who talks with who right up to the final vote. I believe the Rivals format threw much of the pre-planned alliances into disarray, as normal rival factions became interleaved as teammates. One group of personalities that talk together are based around the "douchebag trio" Kenny, Johnny, Evan, and Adam and Tyler sit with them. A second group, appears to be Wes, Evelyn, Nehemiah, Mandi, and also Paula. The rest have yet to unionize, or so it appears.
f) Mike Mike is awesome. I thought he would get nerded out of group, and become a social outcast within a week, but appears to be turning heads with his style. Dressing up like Tyler and waving his junk around appears to have made some fans. Also, swimming to the end while suffering from internal bleeding also showed his toughness and won him some respect. Much like CT has woo-ed Mandi with his shirtless body and rippling muscles, Mike Mike has similarly woo-ed Paula with his shirtless body. Paula is also just as foward as Mandi as it seems in her own way. When Mike comes back from the hospital, Paula hugs him and says something along the lines of I promised to have sex with you if came back from the hospital and of which Mike's response was uhhh I think I need to sleep first. Hahahaha. They are going to get it on.
Week 3 Scores
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Final Standings
Wow I forgot about Mandi and Chet! From him to CT? What is going on with that girl? I'm suddenly a bit scared.
From now I move that we capitalize Douchebag Trio. Although I am starting to kind of really like Johnny... He seems to have really become a semi-nice guy. And still keeping his wits about him. Not stirring up the pot? Who is this guy?
I never thought I'd say it, but I am starting to like Wes. He was really trying to take one (as in a punch in the face from CT)for the team to get CT sent home. I kind of admired the way he was pushing his buttons because let's face it, that takes some cajones.
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