George - Whatever: +9 (30)
Remaining Players:
Jenn +4 (10)
Tyler +2 (7)
Eliminated Players:
Sarah +3 (7)
Tyrie (6)
Yasmine - Put Your Shirt On: +8 (35)
Remaining Players:
Wes +1 (9)
Evelyn +1 (9)
Adam +3 (9)
Jonna +3 (8)
Jon - Missundaztood: +5 (28)
Remaining Players:
Laurel +1 (10)
Johnny +2 (7)
Nehemiah +1 (5)
Leroy +1 (6)
HT - The Recruits: +3 (21)
Remaining Players:
Evan +1 (5)
Mandi +2 (10)
Eliminated Players:
Camila (3)
Adam (3)
Kim - The Engaged: +2 (25)
Remaining Players:
CT +1 (7)
Paula +1 (11)
Eliminated Players:
Brandon (4)
Theresa (3)
Victor - Kenny: +9 (43)
Remaining Players:
Kenny +1 (9)
CM +1 (8)
Jasmine +7 (18)
Eliminated Players:
Ty (8)
Hooking up: Adam, Jenn
Crying: Jasmine, Sarah
Tirade: Jasmine
Random Thoughts:
It looks like we're into the home stretch, and not very many power moves or backstabs have happened yet. I'm waiting for the big backstab. Remember, 3rd place gets $0 dollars. With 4 girl teams left, I want to see Jenn/Mandi make that preying mantis backstab and start siding with CT/Adam, and Jasmine/Jonna...send the other girls into the Jungle.
Here's some of my show highlights for the week:
a) The will to win. What exactly is that? It's a killer instinct, its a stubborn attitude, its a feeling of calmness in the face of panic. It something that one must have to win, especially in the grueling challenges that don't make sense and are not easy. Watching Jonna, she's quickly becoming one of my favorite girls, as she's got that will to win, and to top that all off, she's letting her hair go in that giant fro. Classic cool. In one of my favorite scenes, when TJ takes away Jasmine and Katelynn, Sarah and Jonna size each other up in a little pre-Jungle verbage. I know I can beat her. pause At what? Lock eyes and stare. At everything? pause At somethings, at somethings. Jonna walks away with a sly smile.
b) Of the remaining girls, I think Laurel, Jenn, Evelyn, Jonna definately have the will to win, while the other girls I think are more deficient in that category. As for the guys, I think the dudes that definately do not have that killer instinct and will prove to be a liability in the future are Nehemiah, and Adam.
c) Jenn hooks up with Adam! Or drunk cuddles. In high school that would have branded one with the scarlett A forever, but its still a bit scandalous and leaves one puzzled and curious. Adam was Mike Mike nerd before there was Mike Mike and minus the nerd cool factor. Yes there is such a thing, it is possible to be cool and nerdy, but I warn you it is a tight rope. I remember watching Adam on RW Paris and he gave a really cocky confessional about how he was the smartest(bi-racial stanford grad, his father is a famous R&B performer) and that he had already mastered all fields except girls, and he was coming on this show b/c he wanted to master them. 10 yrs later or so, he is a lot less cocky, but apparently still hasn't figured out girls. AT ALL. As Evan listens to Adam explain that he is going to marry Jenn, I swear he was about to start laughing. Not a mean laugh mind you, but just a disbelief filled, amazed, joyful laugh. Jenn claimed to be drunk, and explained her motivation to her lady pack, was that - Adam like loves me so its like fun for me. Hmmm. Is that all it is? Jenn is a black widow for sure, and I think she's working a few angles. For the game, she's looking for an ally in on the CT/Adam team, and you know, if you're stuck somewhere bored for a few months, its nice to have someone to touch. But is that really all there is too it? And would a girl like Jenn slum so low as to spend time with Adam??? This is what I think happened. On the show, Adam is portrayed a certain way, but he's probably a decent dude, and has a decent life outside. As far as I can tell, most of the guys like Adam, although they may not respect him as a competitor, he's probably a guy that is interesting to hang out with. Jenn probably drank enough(not blackout) to be enticed by Adam, so she's like what the hell, I'll give him a chance. I'll cuddle with him. (the real world equivalent of going on a date...yeah I know) The day after, oh shit, he's kinda creepy, oh wait the rest of the girls think I'm slumming. Ok, how can I spin this? Let me talk shit about him, and how he's never going to get it. Does Adam really have a chance? Maybe...but he's going to to have to do some serious wooing and follow up off the show. Jenn will be swayed by flashy things. And ease off, I find with intelligent guys, sometime you just need to "divide your energy in half." Everything your instinct or gut tells you to do, just divide it in half and it'll work better.
d) What has happened to Mr. Beautiful? He used to be intimidating and now he wears goofy glasses to the deliberations. Losing all the time has made him depressed as well, ala Laurel style.
e) On the after show and post show interviews, everyone always talks about how boring most of the down time is, as there is not much to do to keep entertained. No TV, no phones, etc. So they only have each other to keep from falling asleep like a narcoleptic would. I loved watching the Jonna-Jasmine argument and seeing Wes and CT in the background! Watch their faces closely, it is hilarious, and they are riveted with front row seats to the only action in the house.
f) We should have done bonus points for blurcle.
Week 5 Scores
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SLA Scoring
- Victor (79)
- Susan (74)
- Roger (64)
- Yasmine (56)
- George (48)
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- Jon (42)
"I don't wrestle, I beat bitches up!"
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Fresh Meat II
Ruins II
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Exes 2
Final Standings
Jasmine is like a one woman team! Geezes!
Yeah she rocks. I maybe riding Jasmine to my best finish ever.
So for the "divide energy in half" bit, as examples, instead of Adam saying something creepy/needy like "I've had a crush on this girl for 3 yrs" he could say instead "I've had my eye on her for a while." And maybe replace "In ten years, I want to marry this girl" with "This girl has long term potential about her and I'm looking serious." Same shit...just divide your energy.
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