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Victory Lap

So I guess I'm a repeat champion of our fantasy challenge. Woo hoo! I don't know how I got so lucky to pick the winners lately, but I think what I learned was not to get personal. I picked people that weren't necessarily my favorites (ahem, Wes). But hey, they performed in all sense of the word -- athletically, sluttily, and violently. And that's all I can ask for from an ideal Challenge member.

The new season, Battle of the Exes, is about to start and I could not be more excited. It's a great concept, because of the hookup potential, which I will be rooting for. I mean, how many of you have or have wanted to hook up with an ex? It's like a drug, unless it ended in flames of course.The draft is almost upon us, and I have to say, it's probably my favorite part of this whole thing. Nothing brings me more excitement and anxiety at the same time. Three-peat!

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