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Week 2 Scores

Yasmine: +15 (25)
Victor: +9 (24)
Kim: +6 (16)
Jon: +7 (14)
HT: +6 (12)
George: +3 (8)

Vaulting up to second first place, Yasmine rode Trey and Laura, who exchanged a light peck, resulting in a much sought after +1 for team hookup! There wasn't a lot of action this week aside from Big Easy continuing to rack up the points. It's absolutely ridiculous that Fresh Meat couldn't choose their own competitors, seriously?  What a dysfunctional team.

I'm thinking Team Brooklyn will win the next team challenge because so far every team challenge winner has been from HT's team (she has Sarah and Devyn). None of George's players have scored more than one point per week yet. In fact, her team total of eight points is matched by Zach or Frank alone. Here's hoping for a big week to keep her spirits up!

Detailed scoring: check the spreadsheet.

Win Arena: Eric, Camila
Eliminated Contestants: Melinda, Danny

Reading the Clue: Eric
Crying: Trey, Laura
Kissing: Trey/Laura, plus bonus for team hookup to Yasmine

Scoring Notes: We are trying to determine if Laura cried. There is good photographic evidence that she had a tear on her face, but beforehand we had voted 5-1 that she did not. In light of this photo, we may reconsider. I personally am looking for a harder way of earning crying points, and if it's just down to tears, then why did Trey get points? Gut feel, I feel like wussy Trey cried and Laura may have shed some tears in support, but she was not crying. We'll see how the second round of votes turns out.

Update [10.04.2012]: After another vote, Laura is getting +2 for her crying, based on a 4-2 vote.

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