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Quick Scores: WK3

Are people actually watching the Exiled webisodes? So far I have been but who knows if that'll continue. I wish there was just more additional footage online of the main cast! Here are the Exes 2 rules and our league's scoring sheet.

  • Challenge (+1): Jordan, Sarah
  • Elimination (+1): Adam, Brittany, Simone, John
  • Survival (+1): Adam, Brittany
  • OUT (+0): Simone, John, CT
  • Exile Win (+1): Dustin, Jessica

  • Kiss (+2): Adam, Brittany
  • Hospital (+2): Diem

Scoring Notes: Well, this was the week Diem leaves I guess. Let's talk about the Adam and Brrittany kissing though, that sure looked like real passion to me!

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