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Standings: WK 12-13

  • Susan +14(108)
  • Yasmine +17(106)
  • Jon +6(77)
  • Victor +0(64)
  • Kim +4(51)
  • George +6(48)

And here we are, thirteen episodes of Bloodlines -- a scoring mishap -- and we'd like to announce a new winner: Susan! Despite starting with fantasy MTV Challenge with us only last season (Exes 2), she's proven to be a champion even as a relative newbie. I mean, she's captured more fantasy titles than Jon, George, and Kim combined already!

Drafting at #2 overall, Susan had the prescience to draft Cara Maria, who dominated this season to the tune of 51 total points (her next closest challenger had only 37 pts), including her first Challenge win. That, along with strong supporting roles from Rianna, Anthony, and the early season dominance of Tony gave Susan the close win over defending back-to-back champion Yasmine.

If you're counting from home, Yasmine came a spare bonus point or two from another title, which would have forced us to shut down the league. She had three players get to Germany for the almost finals, and Jamie, Jenna, and Aneesa were full blown superstars this season, totally unexpectedly. Despite losing Christina in the very first episode, Yasmine slowly crept her way into contention by the end of the year.

As for the other runner-ups, Jon, Victor, Kim, and George were all distantly behind. Victor was out of players by the final two episodes, and the other three had only one finalist each grinding their way toward the end of our season. Let's hope next season brings better luck for our perpetual losers, and with the release of the Rivals III trailer already online, we can all regroup and get ready for another huge season.

Congrats Susan and what a thrilling win for you! (And give me back Cara Maria next year!!!)

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