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Rivals III: Rosters and Draft

Stop me if I'm repeating myself but I'll quote from last season: "George gets yet another #1 overall pick (last year she got #1 and took Bananas)..." Is that three in a row for her? I'm glad George is good at winning something in this league! And it looks like she could be winning already after EP1, so this could be her year! #nojinx

Also, Kim is trying out the random method -- altho we question how she "randomly" got her favorite, Leroy -- and maybe that'll take her to a first title? Either way, Rivals III already looks pretty exciting!

George: Jenna, Camila, Averey, Nate
Susan: KellyAnne, Bananas, Johnny R, Cheyenne
Victor: Wes, Jaime, Tony, Brianna
Jon: Sarah, Cory, Nicole, Dario
Kim: Leroy, Jessica, Thomas, Brandon
Yasmine: Nany, Vince, Ashley, Simone

Undrafted: Devin, Christina

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