
Champs vs Stars: Winner

Having not seen more than the first two episodes of Champs vs Stars, I can only take it on your accounts that it sucked. Well, you know who didn't suck? George! Our reigning title winner from Dirty Thirty did it again -- albeit in an abbreviated format -- and won Champs vs Stars by getting three of her four contestants to the finals.

While everyone else selected Emily and Kim Glass as their women, George was the only one with Michelle Waterson, and after episode one, I could tell there was a chance that Waterson was a sleeper. Add in George getting CT to the finish line and she had Emily, Michelle, and CT all get to the final challenge, with only Terrell Owens getting tossed early.

So yeah, with a bit of an asterisk but all of the acclaim, George is currently our back-to-back MTV Challenge champ! The impossible is happening, can anyone stop George in Vendettas?!

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