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WotW2: Alliances

Since War of the Worlds 2 is a team based challenge, we’re going to follow suit and do the same! With thirty-two players, we’re going to have eight owners in our league this season and each owner will then get to select four players each. Check out our revised scoring rules too.

The twist to our WotW2  season is that we'll be competing as two four-team alliances. So while each individual owner will still select their own team, the alliances' total points scored at the end of the season will determine the overall winner of our WotW2 season.

Please name your alliance, but for now we'll use "odd" versus "even." The fun part of alliances will be strategizing within your own alliance about draft picks, and also cheering each other on -- or blaming them for awful decisions. Could we get some intra-alliance tension? Who knows! Either way, no owner will be eliminated until the finale since we'll all have something to cheer throughout all of WotW2.

Alliance Odd: Kim, Yasmine, Roger, Susan
Alliance Even: Ameer, Jon, George, Victor

These were pre-determined teams as Alliance Even all live in San Diego and we would like to have watch parties! Yasmine, our defending three-peat champion, was concerned about how fair this all would be but to assuage her concerns, I will reveal how I balanced the teams out for all to see.

First I randomized the choices between the two alliances using this site -- having it select between odd and even -- and then used it again to randomize the order between the four members of each alliance after inputting their names alphabetically. "Odd" won out, and then the names above were spit out, as seen above. And here is the final draft order.
WotW2 Draft Order

1. Kim
2. Ameer
3. Yasmine
4. Jon
5. Roger
6. George
7. Susan
8. Victor
We do snake draft style still, which will minimize the advantage of Alliance Odd picking first. Of course, has picking first ever really worked out for anyone anyway?! Actually it has, but only once. Kim selected first in Champs vs Pros and then won the season. Every other owner who had the overall number one pick has lost. And guess who has the #1 pick this year...

Note: We’ve strong-armed Ameer into our league this year because we needed an extra owner and since he’s watching the Challenge with us weekly anyway — ah the joys of in-laws — we figured it’s a surefire way to ramp up his excitement. Ameer is a noted Challenge hater but TJ enthusiast.