I only realized this week that Evan not being invited for the Challenge in his native Canada is like leaving Wayne Gretzky off an All-Time Hockey team. If I were him, I'd be sitting at home in Ontario or Ottawa or whatever and fuming. I might even go on a little expedition and just happen to be where the Challenge is. What an insult to him, to have to take a back seat the one season MTV decides to go across the Northern border. Personally, I was getting really sick of Evan's schtick and was glad he wasn't on this season but he is a strong competitor. Then again, if it was between having him or Kenny on the show (they clearly couldn't have both), picking Kenny was obviously the best choice. Sorry Evan, maybe next year?
Let's talk about this potato incident. This has to be the lamest non-fight in Challenge history. Danny runs in, grabs a handful of potatoes, and then runs outs. Yes, he snatched the potato. And then Pete gets fired up while Wes is saying that "he spiced it and everything!" Pretty hilarious. And somehow Brandon gets involved and in classic man-bitch fashion, only gets really aggressive when Noor and Wes are holding him back. As a guy, what that is called is "chicken shit." You'll notice guys do this a lot. Start off with a bit of verbal fisticuffs, one person shoves the other to ignite the physicality, everyone jumps in to hold them back, and they start yapping. Real men don't yap, they just start punching. Take this video clip for example. Fast forward to the 7:00 minute mark. Dr. J slugs Larry Bird while he's being held back by Charles Barkley and Moses Malone. It's pretty crazy right? Oh wait, Dr. J is a cheap shot artist and isn't a real man either. Anyway, I just wanted to show this clip to the world.Anyway. That potato fight was the lamest fight ever. And then Wes mounting Brandon, Brandon and Danny make up/out hugging afterward. It makes sense that a loser fight was initiated by loser contestants. I had no idea Wes and Danny were like best friends and faux-brothers, I missed RW: Austin I guess. It's a shame MTV doesn't carry past seasons online, just the episode summaries. Get on this MTV, please.
In this not very action packed episode of the B-reel people, Katelyn was the big story. After showing up with a lot of talk about how tough she was, Katelyn proceeded to show the entire world exactly how unathletic she was. I had suspicions that she wasn't any good but thought maybe the previous challenges just weren't her thing. Well, this wall climb thing sealed it: Katelynn was the worst girl on this competition. And that's saying something since she's also an ex-boy. I mean, seriously, all the other girls made it up the wall and she couldn't even complete the challenge? Then she gets hurt to boot. Geezes. What makes it more hilarious is that Katelynn called out Laurel earlier in the episode. That would have been some ultimate butt kicking if they had to duke it out.Since Katelynn left with such a whimper, here's a clip of her showing off her karate skills (and talking about escorting). Now she can go back to being "the grand wizard of a Dungeons and Dragons league or something." Which, by the way, is still one of my life aspirations. At least Katelynn goes out with a bang for me by crying and going to the hospital!
Here's a bonus clip where CJ tells Katelynn she's boring because she's not participating. It looks like she's writing a letter or journaling or something. Should CJ really be calling anyone else boring? Like wow. Savvy move on his part to lie though, at least he's not totally stupid (and boring).
Finally thoughts: who else is worried that Kenny and Laurel could sweep the rest of the competitions? Would that be the greatest Challenge run in history? They pretty much finished this challenge in half the time of all the other contestants. They may have no alliance members left -- I can't wait for the Ryan back stab to appear -- but they may not actually need them.
Best quote of the episode:
- Noor: "Jenn was having some trouble with the wall because she has the arms of a raptor."
This episode was a complete yawn-fest. I am glad to see that I wasn't the only one that was bored. I am excited for the Jenn and Pete hook-up next week though. And I'm glad CJ earned me some points. Am I back in the lead yet?
I'm also bored with the Theresa/Wes show-mance of whatever you want to call it. Why does she always look so ragged on her interviews?
Yeah this episode wasn't as exciting, its hard to remember what happened.
I think this was like the "leftovers" from last episode. Everyone is wearing the same clothes! So either everyone is Charlie Brown style(one outfit all the time!) or they split the same night into separate episodes.
Scrapping the bottom of the barrel for drama...potato-gate!
Agreed. Boring episode, featuring all of our draft rejects.
I heart Noor.
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