the first official challenge of the season starts tomorrow so it's about time i give a quick recap into my team and how/why i picked who i did and while i would love to say i had some awesome strategy that i planned that in fact is nothing further from the truth. right off the bat i knew that i wanted wes, jenn and evelyn (even though there was so much controversy around whether or not she would be on the show). when it came time to draft, i got the fourth pick overall so i pretty much knew wes was out and i was hesitant to pick evelyn because i thought she might still be around in one of the later rounds and also because i got burned so badly last time making her the number one pick overall only to have her sent home within two or three weeks.
still smarting from that defeat, i was ready to pounce on jenn only because as jon pointed out, i seem to love loud bitchy girls for some reason (more on that another time) but also because i knew she wouldn't be shy in the hook-up points and well i needed all that i could get this season. i was just about all ready to pick jenn until jon pointed out to me that it was a snake style draft and i knew that jon wasn't going to take jenn and it was doubtful that victor might take her. which then begs the question, do i risk picking someone else first and hope that jenn is still around 3 turns from then?
well as you know, i gambled and came up a little little chicken winner. i ended up picking noor with my first pick who blew all the other guys away in pretty much every category. the only drawback as has already been mentioned on this blog is that he is a minority who historically hasn't had the best of luck on this show and he probably wouldn't be getting me any hook-up points. sorry noor you're athletic and all but not very kissable.
now that i've gotten that out of the way, let me introduce you to my team misfits, aptly called because i had no real rhyme or reason in putting them together but this is the team that hopefully will take me to the top. or at least not dead last again.
1) noor - as already mentioned, he was clearly the best of the fresh meats and hopefully he can stay under the radar enough to win me some points and win some challenges
2) jenn - loud, fiesty, bitchy. yup that sounds about right. that's my kind of girl. she's not afraid to state her mind and i just hope she doesn't get kicked out for punching the blonde in the trailer because that would really be a detriment to my morale but i'm looking forward to some hot hookups (go vinny!) or two. i mean come on the first words out of her mouth were "yuuuumy" when she first saw the fresh meat guys and i'm sure she's not afraid to act on it either
3) jeff - hm...why did i pick him again? oh yeah because everyone else i was even remotely interested in was already taken and i had written down that he did pretty well in the meet the meats episode and well he was "almost" a navy seal and i do have a soft spot for them. who cares if he quit right before hell week right? at least we know he's strong and can hold his own and hopefully is a fierce competitor
4) danny - oh boy. lardo danny. gosh darn it i got him again. he was on my team last year and didn't really do much. apparently all he did was eat hamburgers and he's married so definitely no hookup points there and well i'm not really expecting much from him but at least he's an alumni so maybe he'll get some more screen time than the newbies.
so there you have it. my team and proud of it. no real strategy as you might be able to tell but one thing i did learn during this drafting session is that i had no idea the type of work and dedication "some" people put into scouting the players before we even draft. jon happened to be staying with me during this whole process and he had me watch the episode back and forth trying to figure out who was paired with who and who was being punched by whom and making me pause every couple of seconds and i did none of that last time.
i like to just pick based on gut instinct (some people might call it laziness but what do they know) and we know how well that turned out for me last time but here's to a second shot at the title (i want the mtv band-aids!) and i mean i can't possibly be last again can i? hell no...go team misfits!
Fresh Meat II,
Team Misfits
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Ride or Dies (2022)
Past Champions
- Spies, Lies, Allies: Sachi
- All Stars: Jon
- Double Agents: Roger
- TMadness: Jon
- WoftW2: Alliance Reality Bites
- War of the Worlds: Yasmine
- Final Reckoning: Yasmine
- Vendettas: Yasmine
- ChampsStars: George
- Dirty XXX: George
- ProsChamps: Kim
- Invasion: Yasmine
- Rivals III: Jon
- Bloodlines: Susan
- Exes 2: Yasmine
- Free Agents: Yasmine
- Rivals II: Victor
- Battle Seasons: HT
- Battle Exes: Victor
- Rivals: Yasmine
- Cutthroat: Yasmine
- Fresh Meat II: HT
- Ruins II: HT

SLA Scoring
- Victor (79)
- Susan (74)
- Roger (64)
- Yasmine (56)
- George (48)
- Sachi (1000)
- Kim (44)
- Jon (42)
"I don't wrestle, I beat bitches up!"
Spies, Lies, Allies (2021)
All-Stars (2021)
Double Agents (2021)
Total Madness (2020)
War Worlds 2 (2019)
War Worlds (2019)
Final Reckoning (2018)
Vendettas (2018)
Champs vs Stars (2017)
Dirty 30 (2017)
Champs vs Pros (2017)
Invasion (2017)
Rivals III (2016)
Bloodlines (2015)
Exes 2 (2015)
Free Agents (2014)
Rivals II (2013)
Battle Seasons (2012)
Battle of Exes (2012)
Rivals: Jungle (2011)
Cutthroat (2010)
Fresh Meat II (2010)
Ruins II (2009)
Fresh Meat II
Ruins II
Rivals II
Free Agents
Rivals III
War of the Worlds
Exes 2
Final Standings
Nice. I like jenn as a pick. Except for Evelyn she's probably the most involved vet female. Plus it looks like she's playing on team wes which is pts in my book. Good luck this season.
Jenn is hot.
Jenn is Veronica 2.0, and Cara Maria was 3.0. And now she is lost to us... Sad.
I admit that I was really hoping to pick Jen but, alas, you plucked her away.
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