I did a live blog post once before, so let's try this again. Comments will be spitting out of my brain as I watch the show. Let's begin!
Wes is determined to get Mandy back...yes!
Vinny made some judgmental comment about hooking up with fat girls which makes me think he doesn't own a mirror.
Jasmine just chest bumped Tyrie, comical.
Lots of bleeps, it's getting pretty Turrets up in here.
Tyrie scores the first ever blurcle point!
Fat Vinny made it far on a swinging on a hook challenge?
JoMilla makes it all the way across! Definitely a team to fear this season.
Paula makes a fat Vinny lasagna joke. She's pretty good with the sound bites.
VinSara beats JoMilla in the head-to-head final! Sara does celebratory endzone dance.
VinSara are conducting job-like interviews to decide who to throw in to the Dome.
Uh oh, the gang is hitting the clubs! Hoping for some hookup points.
Mark is now that "old guy in the club." Warning to all of youse.
Naomi says bitches better back off her man.
Vinny is dancing shirtless...again, see above mirror comment.
Mandi upset that Vinny ripped her "shirt" open, if you can really call that a shirt b/c her boobs are basically hanging out already.
Vinny is trying to fight with words and is obviously losing.
VinSara makes a big speech about their thought process before announcing the couple they are sending to the Dome. Do they think they are Top Chef judges?
Wes and Mandi are sent in again!
Oh snap, Vinny is getting booted for the Mandy shirt incident.
Will Sara get eliminated too? No, cut to commercial! And Sara fades to black-and-white...nice move editors.
Show returns with a short clip of Wes showering Mandi with compliments. Win her back Wes! You can do it! There must be a name for these short clips of the show they throw in there that are outside of the main storyline.
Shit, Sarah has to go home too! WTF! I don't think the Challenge has ever done this before. They usually find replacement partners. This is jacked up!
Whoa, Leroy beats Wes. Not surprising I guess.
Naomi gives Mandi a death stare.
It's raining, making it all the more dramatic. Mandi wins!
Coin toss to determine who fights in the tiebreaker, and it's...cut to commercial! Argh!
Wes does some Chinese acrobat move. And loses. Nooooooo!!!! My red-haired one is gone. He's never left this early before.
Wes says he'll always be Mandi's backup.
Leroy lays the law down with Naomi. No nookie for you.
And that's all folks. See you next week! Why, Wes, Why?!?!?!
Vinny, You Motherbleeping Bleep
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Saw the replay didnt see chubsny "tear" off mandies tit curtains. Can someone explain where on the vídeo, where it happens.
Why Wes Why??
Haven't even seen the episode but I'm already excited and sad. Excited to see fat Vinny, sad to see one of my players go. How do we not have bonus points for getting booted?! Oversight, huge oversight!
I also replayed the video. I thought maybe I missed it the first time... But Vinny did not pull her shirt open. He was dancing behind her with his arms down. It appears that she danced or wiggled her way right out of her shirt. Which I'm not really sure what she expects to happen anyway with a shirt like that. I am sad for Sarah.
@anonymous I didn't see any shirt pull either! What a disgrace. And when did Mandi get a boob job, post FM2? I'm sad for Sarah as well, as she was on my team!
Anon... are you suggesting that perhaps Mandi, pulled a "fake-rape" move, and danced her way out of her shirt and then blamed Vinny?
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