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Team Looks are Deceiving

What a challenge, what a great first episode.  So far the cast looks great, the sub plots and story lines seem to be interesting, and the editing is superb.  As I was telling Jon, it appears that we will be seeing a changing of guard, much like we saw when the douchebag trio took over power from coral and co.  It's about time.

So, without further ado, I'd like to introduce my team, Looks are Deceiving, a team full of depth and character that requires a deeper inspection.

1.)  Zach.  Wow, I feel good about this guy.  Given that I had the first pick, I took my time thinking about it.  I would not draft again for many rounds, so it was imperative that I not make a mistake.  I needed a character that would have longevity, have competition potential, and have bonus point potential.  My research consisted of slow-mo watching the trailer, watching the sneak peak clips, and then reviewing wikipedia.  I'm a debugger by trade, and someone that is adept at the nuances of people and politics.  So I pattern matched the trailer.  It appeared to me, the Zach showed up as a person in several unique scenes and locations, and that spoke to his longevity.  I saw him kissing a few people, and I can see he's huge and he's good looking.  My only fear would be that he could suffer from the, "he's too good, let's get rid of him" but that was the only knock.   I will say that my top three candidates for the show were zach, alton, and trishelle, and I flip flopped between trishelle and zach before sticking with him.

2.) My next pair of bookend picks came with many good players chosen, so I had to adapt and make due with what was available.  I liked chet - what he shows on the outside, is very different from what he has on the inside.  I can relate.  He reminds me of a less aggressive wes, albeit a weaker competitor.  In the sneak peak clip, he's hooking up with trishelle, which indicates strong alliance potential, and he's paired with the brooklyn team with sarah.  The fact that ladies like him indicates to me that there's more than meets the eye to chet.  There's a scene when wes is about to be booted, and he says that no one gets him.  Chet replies that he gets wes.  I get wes, and now I get chet.

3.)  My next pick was Cara Maria, and this was indeed a steal.  I felt certain enough, with an 85% confidence level that Team Fresh Meat was on the show.  My supporting arguments came from the wikipedia entry, and then there is a scene in the trailer before the elimination round, with the teams separated by columns in front of TJ.  I counted 8 teams, although it was very fuzzy, so I wasn't absolutely sure.  I feel TFM will be one of the top teams, so I had at this point the pick of litter.  In our challenge, when in doubt pick a lady, they traditionally score more, so it was either CM or Camila.   Camilia is great, but CM cries a lot, so I went with the cry baby.  When I watched the first episode, I almost choked until the team showed up at competition!  What a huge sigh of relief from my risky strat.

4) At this point, everyone was continuing to pressure me to pick.  I did not even know the names of who was remaining.   When I had time at lunch, I logged onto wikipedia and saw who was left.  I took Derek because he was on cancun and I liked the team.

5) Next I took Big Easy because he was on team FM.

Good luck everyone!  Looks like another great season to come.

PS.  I loved how when Knight was talking, they had to add subtitles to translate his "mumble" - loved it!

1 comment:

J.A. Yang said...

I heard Simmons and Jacoby say that Zach was like Thor crossed with Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights. That's about right, I say, plus he could be a fine Conan. I can't wait for him and Alton to fight!