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Quick Scores: WK5

Here are our rulesrosters, and the scoring sheet for this season. Note it's now +2 for Challenge and Survival wins.

  • Challenge (+2): Paulie, Ninja, Nany, Turbo, Theo, Cara Maria
  • Elimination (+1): Zach, Zahida, Wes, Dee
  • Survival (+2): Wes, Dee
  • Out of Show: Zach, Zahida

  • Kiss (+2): Cara Maria, Paulie, Zach, Jenna
  • Cry (+2): Nany, Da'Vonne, Ninja, Zahida, Jenna

Scoring Notes: A couple of light kisses from couples, and lots of tears all around from many people, but the best was Nany being so touched by Turbo!

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