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Quick Scores: WK7

Here are our rulesrosters, and the scoring sheet for this season. Note it's now +2 for Challenge and Survival wins.

  • Challenge (+2): Wes, Dee, Gus, Jenna, Bear, DaVonne
  • Elimination (+1): Josh, Amanda, Ashley, Kam
  • Survival (+2): Ashley, Kam
  • Out of Show: Amanda, Josh

  • Kiss (+2): Nany, Hunter, Mattie, Kyle, Theo, Kam
  • Hookup Bonus (+1): Jon (Nany / Hunter)
  • Cry (+2): Josh, DaVonne

Scoring Notes: And our first team hookup bonus to Jon! Nothing else too exciting that we missed, but arguably there was more cries? Amanda had the subtitle say "cry" but we saw nothing.

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