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Quick Scores: WK10

Here are our rulesrosters, and the scoring sheet for this season. Note it's now +2 for Challenge and Survival wins.

  • Challenge (+2): Paulie, Theo, Turbo
  • Elimination (+1): Kyle, Bear
  • Survival (+2): Kyle
  • Out of Show: Bear

  • Kiss (+2): Georgia
  • Cry (+2): Georgia
  • Medic (+2): Turbo

Scoring Notes: Was that the saddest ugly cry ever in Challenge history?! Poor Georgia, she deserved better.

Introducing a new section, each week's best Turbo quotes!
Paulie always same, he never change.
He don't scare nothing. He don't afraid nothing.
I like, like his style.
You cannot *** me up! 
What is this smell?
Mmm, I say this is fear.
You have to know, you can not [bleep] me up!
Trust me, if we start, you will go to hospital, I will go to home!
You're gonna see, motherf******!
You gonna pay this s***!
Son of the bitch.

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