Brad is great, just the way he talks. This is a funny clip of Brad comparing the In-Crowd Females to Ducklings following around the Mother Duck.
I have this strange feeling though, that this could be Brad's last week, so enjoy him while you can. Pure speculation of course, so no spoilers revealed! >_^ Consider me to be Bill Simmonsesque with my pre-episode prognostications.
I forsee this week
Challengers finally defeat Champions
Ruins Nominations:
Darrell, Kenny, Evan
Tonya, Veronica, Ibis
Adam, Brad, Danny
Kelly Anne, Kimberly, Sarah
Darrell defeats Brad
Kelly Anne defeats Tonya
Hey, we all know Brad ain't leaving for awhile. Plus Darrell punches Brad, not beats him in the Ruins... I hope.
From the trailer I couldn't tell. I saw Derrick & Adam(?) wrestling in a aggressive pre-fight type of situation, and I did see a shirtless darker skinned male punch someone on the ground.
There is also a shot of Derrick on what looks like a kitchen floor bleeding.
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