after a full day of back and forth drafting by email, my roster for the ruins turned out to include evelyn, danny, veronica, syrus and tanya. not exactly who i thought i would end up with but i'm hopeful that this group of the elite five will propel me to my very first win in a fantasy league. back in 2006, i had participated in a celebrity fantasy league (you earned points for the number of times they appeared in us weekly and extra points for being on the cover) and as a faithful subscriber to the magazine and an avid fan of perez hilton and self-proclaimed celebrity gossip junkie i was so sure i would win or at least end up in the top two but i failed. taylor hicks was the pick that doomed me. i chose him over sean-preston spears as he had just won american idol and i was convinced he was going to lead me to my victory but over the entire time, he only showed up in the magazine once or twice while britney's first born was all over the place.
so now three years later, i'm ready to play again and what better game to join in on then a real world/road rules challenge, a show that i continue to love and have not missed one challenge yet even after i've lost all interest in real world and road rules (before they cancelled it of course). so my team, here's how they stack up:
1) evelyn - i had the number one pick overall and debated between taking evelyn or a strong guy but then realized that she was the only way to go. a girl and guy gets kicked off each episode and evelyn clearly by far and away is the strongest and best girl there. none of the girls want to go against her and so not only would she score me points in staying in the game week after week, if she ever did get called out, she should be able to win pretty easily. an added bonus is that brooke is not on this season so she has no reason to blubber and cry all over the place and as long as she doesn't hook up with someone else and remain focused, i'm golden.
2) danny - i'm not exactly very fond of danny (he's a douche in my opinion) and it pains me to have him on my team but by the time it came around to my turn again, all the good guys (brad, kenny, wes, johnny all of them trust me) were gone and danny was the next best pick. he's one of the guys that looks like he's on steroids which is a plus and without his wife there to provide distraction i'm hoping he lasts and doesn't do anything stupid to get himself kicked off.
3) veronica - ah veronica. what can i say i love her. she's probably the player i was most excited about when i saw the lineup and knew i had to have her on my team. she hasn't been on a challenge in quite a while and i love her feisty attitude and who cares if she's hooked up with someone on every show she's been on (she sure did in this season if you watched the previews). she's a tough competitor and i mean she was on semester at sea with yes whom i had a crush on so i've always had a soft spot for her.
4) syrus - frankly i'm a little shocked nobody picked him up sooner and had to double check my notes/list (i was crossing people off as they were selected) to make sure i hadn't missed him but lo and behold he was available so i snatched him quick. i have no clue if he's a good competitor but he's built like a beast and he's lovable and seen as one of the leaders of the group so i'm hoping he's my dark horse in this.
5) tanya - tanya tanya...what can i say. she's a drunken mess and has a huge ass target on her back but when she wants to she can definitely step up to the plate as shown in the first episode when she booted diem out. i'm just hoping she can remain sober and determined enough to stay in the game and hey she was a better pick than casey or shauvon at that point that's for sure.
so there you have it. my fab five and i can't wait until the next episode to start scoring. who do i think my toughest competitor is? in looking at the rosters, it's hard to say. everyone has two really strong players and then the rest are all sort of unknowns. wes while he is great has already shown himself to be a target of getting called out into the challenge each and everytime for throwing challenges (i haven't quite decided whether i should applaud him for having the balls to adopt this strategy or ream him because that goes against the very core of the game which is to freaking win dammit) which could either be great for victor if he wins each time (double points) but then again his chances of going home are that much higher.
jon and i have a 40% change of winning and how great would it be if we took first and second place on this. me first and jon second of course. game on!
Ruins II,
Redemption Time
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Current Season
Ride or Dies (2022)
Past Champions
- Spies, Lies, Allies: Sachi
- All Stars: Jon
- Double Agents: Roger
- TMadness: Jon
- WoftW2: Alliance Reality Bites
- War of the Worlds: Yasmine
- Final Reckoning: Yasmine
- Vendettas: Yasmine
- ChampsStars: George
- Dirty XXX: George
- ProsChamps: Kim
- Invasion: Yasmine
- Rivals III: Jon
- Bloodlines: Susan
- Exes 2: Yasmine
- Free Agents: Yasmine
- Rivals II: Victor
- Battle Seasons: HT
- Battle Exes: Victor
- Rivals: Yasmine
- Cutthroat: Yasmine
- Fresh Meat II: HT
- Ruins II: HT
SLA Scoring
- Victor (79)
- Susan (74)
- Roger (64)
- Yasmine (56)
- George (48)
- Sachi (1000)
- Kim (44)
- Jon (42)
"I don't wrestle, I beat bitches up!"
Spies, Lies, Allies (2021)
All-Stars (2021)
Double Agents (2021)
Total Madness (2020)
War Worlds 2 (2019)
War Worlds (2019)
Final Reckoning (2018)
Vendettas (2018)
Champs vs Stars (2017)
Dirty 30 (2017)
Champs vs Pros (2017)
Invasion (2017)
Rivals III (2016)
Bloodlines (2015)
Exes 2 (2015)
Free Agents (2014)
Rivals II (2013)
Battle Seasons (2012)
Battle of Exes (2012)
Rivals: Jungle (2011)
Cutthroat (2010)
Fresh Meat II (2010)
Ruins II (2009)
Fresh Meat II
Ruins II
Rivals II
Free Agents
Rivals III
War of the Worlds
Exes 2
Final Standings
Yes is totally cute! And I got to meet him while I was at Cal because I was checking out his apartment for rent. This is before he got on the show.
as cute as a yang twin victory would be, i'm going to be the first to say that it ain't gonna happen...
the more i think about it the more i think tanya was destined to be on your team. it's a karmic pick. ha.
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