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A Pod to Go

This has been a banner season for the BS Report and Challenge podcasts. Bill and Dave have really dedicated themselves to talking about the show and brought on special guests like TJ Lavin and The Miz. And let's not forget that Derrick K. has been doing his own podcast series, and he brings on Challenge friends like Kenny and Laurel to make additional commentary. His latest one is with Johnny Bananas and I'm listening to it as I type!

And let's not forget to watch the reunion show and S#!% They Should've Shown, which were both really great this year. In fact, there were so many revealed hookups in the S#!% They Should've Shown that I wish we could maybe score those!

The B.S. Report: 12/22
(direct mp3 link)
Simmons and reality TV czar Dave Jacoby recap the season finales of "Survivor" and "The Challenge: Cutthroat" and look back on the year in reality TV. (Cutthroat talk starts at 10:04 minute mark)

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