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Team Feisty Bitches

As I reflect on my draft picks this season, I realize that I have a team of feisty bitches. While that wasn't necessarily my drafting strategy, I'm optimistic that it will work out in my favor.

In the past I have tried to pick the stronger competitors, but this time around I was aiming for drama points over the players that I thought would compete well. However, I did aim to pick drama-prone players with partners who were strong competitors. While I risk that my players will (once again) be eliminated from the game early on, I'm hoping to have chosen players that will stick around for at least most of the game and who will incur lots of drama points along the way.

The Feisty Bitch Run-Down:

1) Diem: While she's the least feisty of the crew, she can certainly hold her own. She's proven herself a strong competitor in the past, and as CT's partner, I think she'll be around for most of the game.

2) Ty: Let's face it, Ty is a mess in terms of his game. He hasn't shown much endurance in the past, and he is constantly exploding. I'm hoping that his perpetual bitchy explosions will earn me some points, while I'm also hoping that his kick-ass partner will be able to keep the team in the game for a while.

3)Naomi: Okay, I admit that this pick was really because I just love Naomi and Leroy. They were both quite endearing during their Real World season. While I'm a little skeptical of Naomi's athletic prowess, I'm hoping that Leroy will help keep the team alive. Plus, the clips show Naomi expressing bitchy jealousy if Leroy were to hook up with anyone else. Does that mean that the two of them are still hooking up? I hope so!

4)Aneesa: During one of the previews, we saw a clip of someone being taken out in an ambulance. It kind of looked like Aneesa to me, and so I'm hoping for some hospital points with this pick. And although being taken out on a stretcher doesn't bode well for game longevity, I'm hoping that she sticks around for a while thanks to Rachel's amazing athleticism.

Paula is the teammate who got away. I would love to have her on my team. While I was tempted to draft DummyBear instead, he just annoys the crap out of me, and I wasn't sure if he'd rack up any points other than if he and Paula were to win the final. I was also tempted to pick Jasmin, but I think her winning streak last season was a fluke.

All in all, I think I have a solid team and can't wait for the season to start. Go Team Feisty Bitches!

1 comment:

jonyangorg said...

I think you'll be glad you left Dunbar for George to pick. He's so bad! I'm so curious how CT and Diem will be. Will they rekindle any fire?