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Team Lady Mary

If you haven't discovered the amazing Downton Abbey yet, go watch it. Go. Now. I'll wait. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for you, but I've named my team after Downton's own Lady Mary. She will cut a bitch with one look, get her slut on, cover up her tracks, and still have us root for her. And so I name my team in her honor. I hope they live up to it.

My first pick went to the freckled pasty one, Wes. This is the first time in our league where I've gotten the last place in the draft, and a lot of the good ones were already taken. With this new game organized by these couple teams of two, you have to wonder how alliances and team strengths will play out here. In general, I think the women have a higher point potential this season, because they can score highly on the emotional crying, hookup, fighting points, but also get carried through the challenges by a strong male partner. Sizing up the couples, or rather, ex-couples, I thought Wes-Mandy was a potentially strong team. Wes is still cunning and manipulative. And Mandy is a decent competitor with high endurance. I would have picked Mandy but she appears to have a serious boyfriend back home, so I think her hookup point potential is low this season unlike past seasons. Wes is single though, so I hope some hookups and also fighting points are in his future. And hey, maybe he can win Mandy back.

Since I had back-to-back picks, it didn't really matter who I picked first, but my second pick went to Camila. I think Johnny-Camila will be a very strong team, as I think Johnny will really manipulate his way to the top, but he might be low on bonus points. So I picked his crazy partner Camila who can hopefully score high on drama, and get carried through the challenges by Johnny. There also seems to be high sexual tension between these two, so I'm hoping for some hookup points between them.

My last two back-to-back picks went to the team of Dustin-Heather. It was definitely a risk to pick a couple team since I will lose 2 players if they lose the challenge, but I'm banking on some hookup points here to make up for an early exit. This is the only "ex" couple that is actually a current couple. I hope they hook up every episode and then I'll also get the bonus point for owning two team members that hookup with each other. As for the challenges, Dustin has been described as "competitive," so I hope that translates into some wins. And if you didn't know, Dustin's secret that came out on the Real World was that he did gay porn. I'm sorry, but I think that would be a deal breaker for me, but I guess not for Heather. Good luck to you honey. I hope you channel some Lady Mary up in here.


esca said...

May the freckled pasty one carry you far

jonyangorg said...

Someone is paying you to push Downton Abbey right? Just admit it. Although you've kind of sold me if there's such a righteous bitch on the show. I'd like to take bets about how long Mandi holds out from making out with someone. I say Episode 4.

i amuse myself... said...

I'm hoping that she'll make out with Rachel.