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Week 3 Scores

Victor: +9 (33)
Yasmine: +5 (30)
Jon: +9 (23)
Kim: +4 (20)
HT: +8 (20)
George: +4 (12)

Victor retakes the lead by having Chet go into the Arena, emerging with a victory, and puking. Banner day for the man who has recently opened up a bow tie selling business, Chester Pink. This was a pretty boring week as no hookups happened, or tears. Jon also had a strong +9 week behind Camila but there is still a huge separation between #1-2 and the rest of the pack.

HT is praying Sarah and Alton hook up on camera -- which they probably will -- to score her same team bonus points. And Kim needs some excitement after two weeks of virtually no bonus points for her team -- unless you count losing Melinda as "bonus." Poor George loses another player, leaving her with just two players with seven episodes to go. We should just give her Knight and Preston now...

Detailed scoring: check the spreadsheet.

Win Weekly Challenge: Alton, Trishelle, Dustin, Nany (Vegas)
Sent to Arena: Sarah, Chet, Cara Maria, Brandon
Win Arena: Sarah, Chet
Eliminated Contestants: Cara Maria, Brandon

Reading the Clue: Camila
Crazy Ass Tirade: Camila
Throwing Up: Chet

Scoring Notes: This week's controversy is if that short snippet they show in-between commercials counts for scoring. This snippet doesn't appear on the online version of the show and we've never scored it before. However, Yasmine argues that it should be part of the show because it was shown. Unfortunately, she was voted down. So moving forward, there is no scoring for that in-between snippet and the online version of the show is the "official" version.


georgette yang said...

sigh this is terrible just terrible

Huey-Tyng Sun said...

does anyone else wonder why it is that during the endurance challenge the players don't just push the balls to the to before the midway point and then fire away in the last few seconds? is that against the rules?

J.A. Yang said...

Yeah I wondered that myself. They had to make them not do it I assume. That's certainly what I would have liked.