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Episode Commentary: Honey, I'm Homeless

After hearing Jasmine say, "I'm sorry. I'm not Jonna. I have a gag reflex," I about died! And then I decided to do a running commentary for this episode like others before me have done. 

I thought that they were going to be eating things like bull testicles or something like on Fear Factor. At least these are mostly palatable items. 

Yeah, Brooklyn! Way to eat those grape leaves! 

This is the first time that I've been impressed by Marie. I can't believe she could just house those peppers like that. 

It probably wasn't a smart decision to go into the winners round with only a team of 2. Hmm... 

Um... JD was pretty happy about eating those cow livers. Haha

Oh, now the testicles come out. Blech. 

Ashley is eating those testicles like a champ. Can you imagine the aftertaste in their mouths right now? 

C'mon, Jasmine... just go ahead and earn me a vomit point. Darn! I didn't see any vomit from Zach, just a lot of gagging. 

Ok, so San Diego is going into the arena. Poor Ashley, all that eating for nothing. Does Brooklyn even have to deliberate about who to send in against them? 

What happened in San Diego? Sheesh, Frank. That was almost a tirade. 

I didn't even think Brooklyn would consider Vegas. Alton should have tried harder to woo Sarah. I think some on-screen make-out sessions could have done it. Curses!!!

Whoa - Devyn's afro. She looks so different. I feel like it would be easier to just have an afro than all that fake hair. Then again, I don't really spend much time on my hair. I probably only wash my hair once a week. *shrug* 

I like how they have a team spokesperson. Can we get points for that?

Putting Cancun and San Diego against each other. Well-played. 

Hmm... CJ. If anyone goes in against Zach in the physical challenge, they're probably toast. Do you recall Eric vs. Wes? 

Jasmine in the physical challenge... might not be very smart. Uh oh, I guess Cancun was only getting along because they were always on top. Their team appears to be crumbling now.  

I'm still not understanding Jonna's sob story. Can't she just make appearances at clubs or something for money? Maybe I should be more compassionate. 

Yeah, Sam in the physical challenge. I hope she comes back.

Zach knows how to man up when he has to, but what about you, Frank? 

Oh no! Sam's going against Jasmine. I guess I'm about to lose my first player. We'll see how it pans out. 

Yikes! They are talking some trash about Jonna. 

"She's homeless because she's ho-etic" Great line, Devyn. 

It's nice to know that those other girls feel the same way I do about Jonna. I'm trying to figure out why Sarah cares so much that Jonna has not been into the arena. Is there some history I'm missing there? Hmm... quite possibly. Come to think of it, Jonna does seem to get a free pass a lot. Way to play the homeless card this time. 

I hope Sam took out that lip piercing before the arena. 

Oh no... does Jasmine have to go to the hospital? Yikes. She's like a third of Sam's size. 

Hahaha - Sarah speaks the truth. 

Wow, CJ is putting up a good fight... OMG - I did NOT see that coming!!! Taking Zach's feet out from under him and then dragging him back is no small feat. 

If you're watching this on tv, there is a commercial clip now of Derek making out with Frank on the bus. 

CJ is an MMA fighter? Who cares that he's 4 years older than you? 

Wow, CJ wins again! 

Um... Zach is dumb. How could you let CJ drag you towards his own bell like that? 

Zach learned quick. At least he didn't make the same mistake twice. That jump was sweet. 

I'm nervous. 

Awww... CJ has such heart. Why can't he find love? With a heart like that, who needs game? And he's good looking. What gives? 

There is no way that Jonna and Derek are going to make it in a final... adios, Cancun!

Two weeks until the next episode?! Nooooooooo...

1 comment:

georgette yang said...

great commentary. i really wanted cj to win...he tried so hard. and i'm totally with you on jonna. i really liked her going in but after this episode my opinion is changing...i don't care what her history is that shouldn't be an excuse for her to not go in and it's lame she keeps falling back on that. i could give a crap. i was reading that on her season she cheated on her bf with the guy that jasmine was dating. i can't wait till she gets kicked off