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Scores: Week 8

Victor: +8 (68)
HT: +9 (66)
Yasmine: +2 (55)
Jon: +3 (53)
Kim: +9 (52)
George: +1 (23)

A big tie at the top as HT has really roared back the past few weeks. And what about Kim, with a huge nine point week, powered by Jonna finally hooking up on-camera, and another Marie puke. She's now just outside of contention with Yasmine and Jon. And oh poor George, another one point week. This season is gonna come down to the wire for us, I'm sure of it! Edit [11/27]: We missed quite a few points this time around. Winning points for Zach, Sam, and Chet. Added in.

Detailed scoring: check the spreadsheet.

Win Weekly Challenge: Chet, Sarah, Devyn, JD (Brooklyn)
Sent to Arena: CJ, Jasmine, Zach, Sam
Win Arena: Zach, Sam
Eliminated Contestants: CJ, Jasmine

Reading the Clue: none
Kiss: Zach / Jonna
Throwing Up: Marie

Scoring Notes: Marie is our puking queen! And there were probably more puking people but we only saw hers. Otherwise, this was a pretty easy week to grade. There are a lot of hookups they are not showing on this season, what is the deal there? Yasmine said there was a Derek/Frank hookup on the commercial/non-commerical snippet. Why not show that? For us Internet viewers, how about that guest appearance by Johanna in the commercial?! I was like, "Hey she looks so familiar...."

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