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Ready for the Final!

For whatever reason, the preview for this season's final has got me amped. When you start by jumping out of a plane, how can the rest of the final not be exciting? That being said, the overwhelming thought in my head after watching the preview clips for next week's episode is: Devyn is going to wear her wig for the final?? Wouldn't it be more heavy than going without? And how will it stay on after dropping from a plane? I'm completely baffled.

I was sad to lose another player after this week's episode, but I figured it was bound to happen. I feel proud of my ladies + JD for making it as far as they did (except for Melinda-- pure disappointment there). Must of my grudges are against the MTV editors for not showing the hook ups this season. How many kiss points did I get from Zach and Jonna? 2? And they were together the entire time. Totally unfair.

I'm looking forward to the final episode and seeing how the points shake out. While I don't think I'm going to win this season, I still think it's going to be close, as I'm anticipating some puke and medic points that will keep us fantasy leaguers on our toes. Can't wait to watch!

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