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Pod in the pea

This whole thing was inspired by a Bill Simmons podcast so it's only right that we do a mini-one of our own. We DVRed the last episode to watch together (well, the SF people) and then I forced them to talk to me about it. Take a listen?


Yasmine said...

Ok, I'm highly amused...even though I was recorded against my will.

I can't believe you beat me by one point! Revenge will be mine.

jonyangorg said...

See, podcasts are fun! Just like blogging! Now you make a blog please!

esca said...

Like the cast. However, I took offense to how Yasmine stated that she doesn't "like Wes".

These are fighting words in my book. You have been warned. Retaliation will be swift and brutal.



jonyangorg said...

Newsflash, I'm not sure anyone likes Wes! Except KA, and that's debatable now.