
Reunion Takeaway

Sarah proved herself to be such an awesome competitor on The Ruins, but I was less than impressed with her social game. For someone that looks so badass and cool, she is a complete pushover when it comes to Kenny and Evan. She should have such an abundance of self-confidence and I do not understand why she doesn't realize that she is superior to people like Kenny and Evan. I guess we can only imagine what kind of emotional scars were dealt to her in the past to make her so pathetic in her need for acceptance.

What do you think?

1 comment:

jonyangorg said...

My theory is that Sarah was starstruck this season, but will realize that next Challenge and be less of a pushover. Remember, she's younger than everyone, and she obviously suffered from a childhood when people made fun of her - like you mentioned.

I think we should give her a pass here. Super cool people can get pushed around (once).