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Winning at Life

Remember Sean from RW: Boston? Well here's a few updates about his life: He's married to RW: San Francisco's Rachel, he's a competitive lumberjack, he holds two speed climbing titles, he has six kids, and he drives a used mini-van. Oh and he's a new Republican Congressman from Wisconsin. I know right, six kids?!

Recently embroiled in controversy where Sean complained about his lack of income and overwhelming debt, we can look forward to him coming into next season's Challenge to show those young whipper snappers a thing or two -- and to win that cash. Sean was last on the Challenge in 2002, for Battle of the Seasons (where he teamed up with Elka and they won the damn thing). Just nine short years later and he's running our country!

It's now a toss up between Sean and the Miz for who has the most successful post-Real World career. I'd say the Miz still wins because hey, how many WWF champions have there been? If Sean makes president, then we can talk.

And this note from his Wikipedia: "On March 17, 2011, Duffy was one of only seven Republicans who voted 'No' on a House bill that would strip all government funding from National Public Radio."

Bravo Sean, bravo! And isn't Rachel glad she dumped that loser Puck.


Yasmine said...

I remember when Sean and Rachel got together on one of the challenges. I can't believe they popped out 6 kids. Crazy Republicans.

Kimberly said...

Why am I not remembering these two people? They don't look familiar at all. And here I thought I was up on my Real World!