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You Offend Me, You Offend My Family

How strange is it that Ty is a sympathetic figure this season? I mean, suddenly he's the voice of reason and playing psychologist for Diem? Weird. Of course, Ty and Paula's relationship -- and all the "I love you's" -- are totally gross but his very calm and hurt reaction after Emily's chocolate face was pretty impressive. Btw, how do you get chocolate on someone's face? Do you melt it first? I assumed it was dark foundation or something because really, who puts chocolate on their face?

The part I think was completely overlooked was how Camila's involvement in chocolate-gate wasn't even questioned. Did she get a racism pass because she's from another country? I mean, Camila totally co-signed off on this idea and she didn't suffer any backlash whatsoever. Are Brazilians totally okay with blackface? Or they don't know about it because it's an American thing. Next season I'd like to see Yes returned to the cast so someone can make some slant eyes and it'll blow up and Jonny Moseley can say that it's "one of the most memorable and disturbing incidents in Challenge history."

Best part about this episode: Learning that Emily grew up in a fundamentalist Christian cult. This explains everything! Oh wait, no it doesn't.

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