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Team Lady Crushers +1

I haven't had a chance to watch last night's episode yet, so hopefully nothing I write has already been contradicted...

So I have decided to name my Team Lady Crushers +1. My ladies typically have the men falling all over them, regardless of the heart break that is sure to follow. JD is the +1. Not sure how he fits in with my team. And frankly, I'm not expecting him to stick around long enough for me to find out.

I don't think I found the draft as hard as some of the others on the League did. Should I admit that I actually was familiar with pretty much all the players? I didn't remember Devyn or Lacey, but otherwise, the players of this season are like old friends. Yes, I watch way too much MTV.

As for my strategy, I was once again aiming for the dramatic partners of the winning teams. And I was relying pretty heavily on the sneak preview episode, which hopefully didn't lead me astray.

I'm thinking that Team St. Thomas, Team Vegas, and Team San Diego are looking the strongest, and so I was aiming to snatch up some of those teammates. And I was looking for rogue dramatic players from other teams. While I failed on choosing Team Vegas players, I did get some of Team St. Thomas and San Diego, and Jonna, my rogue drama queen. Yes, Yaz, I agree with you on Team St. Thomas. I'm optimistic that they'll hold their own. Laura and Trey are guaranteed to hook up, so I'm sure you'll get some points there. Marie and Robb should also be hooking up, although unfortunately for me, they don't seem to be much into PDA. I was trying to steer clear of Team New Orleans, which I think will be a train wreck. Other than Jemmye crying, I'm not sure what points will come from them.

As for who I did pick, here's the low down:

Jonna: she's proved her athletic prowess before, the preview shows her falling for someone, and she can have a temper. I'm hoping for some solid hook up and crazy ass tirade points. And hopefully her and Jasmine will be able to stick around for a while based on players being intimidated by their past performance.

Marie: For those of you who watched the Real World St. Thomas reunion, as I'm sure you all did, Marie references how she's a "bad bitch" on the Challenge show. I'm hoping that means she goes crazy ass tirade on other players, as she does have a temper. Plus I'm hoping for some hook up points from her and Rob if she's faithful to him, or some points from her hooking up with others if she's not. And as I said above, I think that Team St. Thomas may be one of the more athletic teams out there, so I'm optimistic they'll last.

Ashley: It may have just been the editing, but it seems like you can hear Zach's voice when the sneak preview is showing the final episode clips. Again, it may have just been editing, but given that Team San Diego seems decently athletic, I'm thinking it's possible they'll make it to the end. If they do, and if they only have two people left on their team, I'm guessing the male-female combo would be Ashley and Zach. I'm just not seeing Sam make it. So although Ashley will be a dud in terms of drama points, I'm hoping she is my player who makes it to the end.

Melinda: Well, it was getting to be slim pickings, and I was thinking that Team Austin may last a while in the game just out of intimidation. Perhaps their veteran status will keep them alive.

JD: I had to pick someone. I'm just not optimistic about him or his team.

The players that got away: Trishelle. Who wouldn't love to have Trishelle on their team? There's just something about her that's endearing, even though I have absolutely no clue what that is. I would also have loved to have Frank on my team, but alas, Yaz took him before I had a chance. As she pointed out, he seems like the total package for as long as he can last. He cries, he makes out, he shouts, and he may be athletic. Plus, I kinda think a preview clip shows him getting medical attention. Great choice, Yaz! As I commented after Victor started off the draft, I also think Zach is a solid pick. While he's very low on drama and hooking up, I do think he has the potentially to make it to the end. I was nervous about picking the fresh meat players since we don't know when they'll come in the game, but Cara Maria and Camilla are also solid picks. As we know Camilla is the points queen. And who doesn't love Cara Maria. Although I know not to pick her, out of fear of Jon's wrath.

That's the low down for Team Lady Crushers +1. Now off to watch last night's episode!


Yasmine said...

You can hear Zach's voice in the end? I can't tell who they are. And yea, tricky editors could have taken that voiceover from an earlier challenge or something.

Glad to see that we favored the same teams/players! Go St. Thomas!

I like the "players that got away" addition. Starting to question if Frank was really a good pick. Hmmm...

esca said...

If Jon really wants Cara Maria, he could have picked her ealier. He always has a chance, he just gets mad because he expects no one else to pick her for some reason. He should have learned by now, that ladies are in demand in general, and you have to be aggressive. Jon waits too long. ^__^
I like Jonna a lot.

J.A. Yang said...

I'm picking CM first next time, first!